Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 24 - Kichijoji, Japan

Well Hello Again!

This week has been a long one but i`ve learned a lot; everything changing and me getting used to it. I`ve never been good with change that I myself don`t bring on and I`m realizing just how stubborn I can sometimes be when those unplanned/unwanted changes do come. But I`m trying really hard to learn and overcome that since I`m sure there will be a lot of adjusting and changing that will take place while I`m here in Tokyo and also throughout my life.

So BYU Basketball, Amazing! And I`m missing it all! Oh well, maybe when I get back, they`ll be other just as exciting things going on! Lets just hope that even minus the one player they can still keep it going! Also let`s hope that the Cardinals don`t lose their minds and do sign a contract with Albert Pujols!

As of right now, things in Tokyo are going well! Right now we have some really interesting investigators, 2 whose parents own Buddhist Temples, and 1 who is Hindu, among others, with each investigator different problems arise, but we`re really trying to be creative in how we teach to help them fully understand the greatness of the gospel. One amazing investigators name is Mashito san, Utsumi Shimai and I found her while streeting one day. It`s really amazing actually. When we stopped her she was actually on her way to go visit a Catholic Church to learn more about the `Christian God`. She kept saying over and over again how surprised she was that we stopped her, and the first thing we asked her and talked to her about was God. How what we asked is exactly what she`s been thinking about for the past few months. Is that not God`s divine power or what!? So cool! We have a baptismal date for her right now, that we`re hoping and praying will go through. She`s got faith, and she feels the Spirit, I`m just praying she`ll act on those two things.

I`m so thankful for the tiny miracles, such as finding Mashito san, that God allows us to see everyday! When we look for them, we`ll see them.

Love you all so very much! Thanks for all your support!
Love you
Sister Erin Benne

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