Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 55 - Senzokuike, Japan

We had Chou san's baptism on Saturday! YAY! I'm so happy for her! We did have one problem come up, she's so tiny and the dress was a bit big on her that it kept bubbling up out of the water when she would get baptized (clothes have to be completely immersed under the water too). Anyway we finally found some white string stuff and tied her dress to her and after her going under about 10 times (yeah...) we finally got it to work, she was finally able to be baptized. Bless her though, her faith is so strong, she just kept saying in her english, I've been waiting for this so long, so long, just waiting. She's so cute!
Another amazing thing is though that we have another baptism coming up this Sunday. His name is Togo san. His wife is a member and so we've been teaching him with her. He's so funny and loves this gospel. Before a convert can get baptized they have to have an interview with the district leader. Anyway, he had his interview on Sunday and it took a little longer than usual, so we were a little worried, but it turns out apparently Togo san just spent the first 20/30 minutes bearing his testimony! Awesome! So we're excited for that as well!
So things here are going pretty smooth. Having fun and trying to carry forth God's work! 
I love you all so much! and love hearing from each of you!
Sister Erin Benne

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