Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 66 - Senzokuike, Japan

Hello Wonderful Family!
あけましておめでとうございます(akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!)!or HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Can you believe it is already 2012? I can't, that just seems too crazy! Has everybody made their goals for the New Year? If I wasn't a goal-maker before the mission, I definitely am now. It's amazing how much more can be accomplished when we have goals and are really working to achieve them.
It seems strange to me that I was just talking to you a week ago, it feels like so much longer than that. How was everyone's New Year's? Is everyone now back in their respective cities?
New Year's in Japan is 10million times bigger than Christmas. Really it's like our Christmas is their New Year's, and our New Year's is like their Christmas. But it's fun. During New Year's every family has a big meal just full of traditional Japanese food. I love Japanese food, but will admit this is not my favorite meal of the year, as it is for most. Maybe a little too traditional for me, but it is still really good. Mainly I just love being able to spend time with the families in our ward, sharing in all their joy and excitement for the New Year's celebrations. Thinking back on last year New Year's, I have to laugh at how little I knew what was going on. Thank goodness we as human beings can progress, learn, and grow!
Anyway, I hope all is going well!
Love you!
Sister Erin Benne

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